The Monthly Statistical Report on victims
August 2016
Violations Documentation Center in Syria – VDC
Since mid-March 2011 up until August 2016, VDC was able to document 154,041 battle-related deaths by the Syrian government forces and the paramilitaries supporting them.
First: August Battle-Related Deaths,
During this month VDC was able to document a total of 1737 deaths across different Syrian governorates, among them, 1631 were documented by full name and 136 are still registered as unknown.
Second: Deaths by Governorate
Aleppo had the biggest number of deaths this month, Idlib came next second, then Damascus Rural.
Third: Deaths by Civilians and Non-Civilians:
1137 were civilians and 564 are non-civilians.
Fourth: Death by Type of Weapon
604 of the total 1737 of the battle-related death occurred by firearms and snipers, 630 by aerial attacks and barrel bombs, while tanks, cannons, and mortars accounted for 292 battle-related deaths.
Additionally, the VDC was able to document the deaths of 211 under other reasons; twenty-five deaths under torture in the Syrian government detention centers, three due to the use of chemical and toxic substances by the Syrian government forces, one due to the lack of medical and food resources as a result of the siege forced by the Syrian government. While for the rest the cause or the executioner was not undoubtedly identified.
Fifth: Deaths by Gender
The total number of males over 18 was 1280, while the number was 175 for females over 18 years old. Total children battle-related deaths were 282; 189 males and 93 females.
Sixth: Deaths by ISIS:
During this month, VDC was able to document the death of five people, 3 are civilians.
Seventh: Chemical Attacks During August 2016:
Four attacks on the Syrian north using toxic Chlorine gas occurred during August 2016. The first was on August 1st, where the Syrian government forces attacked, at 11.20 pm, the city of Saraqib with two barrel bombs, each contains five cylinders of Chlorine. This attack resulted in 33 civilian causalities (among them 18 women and children), with suffocation and breathing difficulties. No deaths were recorded.
The second attack was on August 8th, a missile containing Chlorine hit the city center of “Khan Al-Asal”, resulting in 4 civilian causalities, with no deaths recorded.
The third attack was on August 11th, Syrian government forces attacked the overcrowded “Al-Zabedieah” neighborhood in Aleppo with two barrel bombs containing Chlorine gas. The attack resulted in 92 civilian causalities suffered from difficulties in breathing and suffocation, and most of which are children. A mother with her two children were killed as a result.
The fourth attack was on August 28th, the Syrian government helicopters attacked the entrance of “Kafir Hamra” city with a barrel bomb containing Chlorine gas, the attack resulted in 12 civilian causalities and no deaths were recorded.
These figures are not final in any way, and they are subject to continuous and periodic scrutiny by center’s activists, the database administrators, and the field documentation team. Figures may differ between reports, and the most recent report is always considered to be the more accurate.
VDC team pays tribute to all the collaborative activists who extended a helping hand to our center as well as to the families of the victims. We also thank the Field Observation Team whose members face daily dangers executing their duties in Syria in order to document the human rights violations committed there, complete the data, and claim the rights of the distressed families from the concerned bodies and organizations.
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